The language we use (English/Hindi etc) are they sufficient? Are these languages capable of talking about love? Does one really need a language to talk about this?
I know I have raised bit too many questions and that purely because I don’t have answer to any of these. As far as my knowledge about feelings and love, they are language independent i.e any language can be used to express these, but that really raises a question, what will happen if one can’t speak (mum)? Simple answer is he/she can express the feelings, is that correct? No they can still express feelings by using actions which is there to express the feelings, that is really a strange right? This is possible because we can understand what is expressed by actions by other, but is always true?
Can we understand all the actions by anyone around us? I will leave answer to this question for future. I always felt that yes, I can understand feelings from everyone, but we have so many living things around us, they all express love, they all have feelings which they express to us and most of the time we can’t understand that. Few days back I was talking to one of my friend, she was thinking to have a pet dog but she decided not to do that by giving a statement “They get attached to us so much that without us they feel alone and at the end they die” that scared me, how can a dog/animal die due to absence of master! How can a dog be attached to us? Is that the way to express feelings to us? Do your pet really wanted to be with you always and without you they might stop eating and die at the end? Do we understand this way of expressing feelings? If I believe this then we can understand feelings expressed in any way, is that correct? Think again. Have we ever realized the trees, plants flowers also express feelings? Bit strange right? As per my experience plants around us also wants care from us and in absence of which they can die L. Most of us places some or other plan in our home, when we plant them in home we pay some extra attention towards them later on we don’t even look at them and after some time we realizes that, plant is not there, after we ask someone in family the answer we get is “That plan was not growing well and was about to die so we replaced that with new one” we generally think that due to lack of light/water etc that happened, well it that 100% correct? Think that again.
I saw a movie few days back “hachiko” that movie talks about love and care that a animal can have for us. Please share your thoughts on this..